Till The World Ends Music Video: Sequel to Im a Slave For U?

Mark your calendars- December 21, 2012 is the day when giant rocks will crash down into buildings and you can find Britney and sexy dancers rocking out underground.  I can't say I wouldn't enjoy seeing that day come so long as I could be down in the sewers sweating it out with the pop princess. Britney's music video 'Till the World Ends'premiered last night on VEVO and I love it.  I enjoyed the 'Hold It Against Me' video enough but 'Till the World Ends' topped it for me. This video reminds me a lot of Britney's 'I'm a Slave For U' video which has always been one of my favorites.  Both 'I'm a Slave For U' and 'Till The World Ends' are fun, hot, and sexy!  There has been a lot of criticism thrown Britney's way lately regarding her dancing and overall performances.  And while I do see the obvious differences from earlier videos until today you have to give the girl a break! She is older, has had 2 kids, had knee surgery, and been through a whole hell of a lot.  But even from 'Hold It Against Me' to 'Till The World Ends' I can already see improvement.  Her dancing is better, seems more difficult, and she rocks it! I for one, cannot wait to see what else Britney has in store for us!

By: Colleen 

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