Leah Messer & Corey Simms: Divorce papers, tears, and another female to blame for the split?

Only two weeks ago on the Teen Mom 2 finale we saw bright eyed Leah Messer walk down the aisle and marry her baby daddy Corey Simms.  Well, bright and early today I got a text message from E! News (yes, I receive the latest breaking news via text message) saying that Leah has filed for divorce after only six months of living the married life.  Speculation began when two of the major tabloids both published stories about the two heading towards splitsville.  Until today nothing had been 100% confirmed, but sadly the rumors are looking to be true and the parents of Aleeah and Aliannah are in fact parting ways. 
Leah was spotted reading some type of papers to a friend over the weekend, and of course MTV was there to catch it all for season 2 of the show.  The papers upon closer look seem to be a conversation between Corey and another female. 
If a crying Leah who is reading a sketchy looking conversation between her hubby and some home-wrecking skank isn’t proof enough, this screen capture from wvgazette.com has a listing of all the people who have filed for divorce between April 8-15 and you will their names listed at the bottom.

I am really upset by this split.  I loved seeing Leah and Corey’s realtionship grow througout this season of Teen Mom 2 and I was really rooting for them.  I thought they came together so well when their girl needed it the most and its a shame to see them going seperate ways.

For now, we can only speculate about what really happened between the two that led to this decision but I will bet that MTV is going to milk this for all its worth and the divorce will be a heavy storyline for Leah in the next season of Teen Mom 2.

By: Colleen

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