Friends Flashback

I don’t think there’s ever been a more dynamic cast, than the one of Friends. It’s one of TV history’s longest running sitcoms, and continues to be a classic today. Not only were the characters so diverse and witty, the actors who played them were too. If you had taken just one character away from the show, it wouldn’t have been the same. They all played off of each other so well! I couldn’t imagine anyone else playing the roles of Monica, Rachel, Phoebe, Joey, Chandler, or Ross. I was born in ’92, so growing up, I was either not really allowed to watch it yet, or just wasn’t that into it (though I did watch the series finale). A few years later when I got into my teens, I was hooked. Last October, I bought the first season on DVD, and was instantly hooked. Over the next few months, I was constantly buying each season, and finally I completed them all. I still continue to watch them over and over again, because…how can you not? After awhile, you start to feel like you’re really friends with them, because for ten seasons they filled TV screens all across the country. And hey, anytime you’re feeling lonely, you can just put a disc in, and you'll be laughing in no time!! 

by: Shelby

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