Twilight fans step aside, True Blood is on its way back!
Dominique, feature, TV 6:36 AM
The Huffington Post reports HBO announced the premiere dates for some of their summer shows, including the popular vampire series "True Blood." Sookie Stackhouse and the rest of the "True Blood" characters of Bon Temps will be returning to television on June 26th. This season is sure to be filled with a lot of shockers and supernatural phenomenon, including a premiere of a few new characters and, brace yourself, witches. According to TVline, Eric and Sookie may strike up a romance this season with her relationship with Bill on an indefinite halt since breaking up in last season's finale.
HBO's Curb Your Enthusiasm premieres July 10th and the Hollywood boys of "Entourage" will return to the small screen July 26th.
By Dominique