Gay Marriage
Caty, Gay Marriage 3:00 PM
Just recently I learned about gay marriage. I was never against it, I just had no idea what the big deal was. Since the big commotion with Prop. 8 I started to learn more about the big deal. Gay people are getting mistreated like no other in America; they do not have the same rights as any other American and that is unconstitutional. I am fully supporting gay marriage in America because I believe in equal rights and I believe that every person in the world should be happy. If liking the same sex makes people happy then more power to them! Many people in the U.S. are gay, two of my closets friends are gay. Gay people are no different than straight people. They have the same sense of humor, they look the same, they talk the same, they drive cars, and they have parents. They have all the same qualities as a straight person. So why do they not have the same rights? You tell me.
Peace and Love
Posted by Sarah
on 3:00 PM.
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Gay Marriage
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