Our Intern {Shelby} Shares Her Jay Leno Show Experience

Last week, I went to a taping of The Tonight Show w/Jay Leno, and it was so much fun! We hung out around town for a little while, because we were earlier. We had lunch, drove around, and then just decided to head to NBC Studios. We still had a little while to wait, because it was only like 12:30, and we didn't go in until around 3:00. It was a lot of fun talking to the people around us, and a lady we'd met before at another event was down there, so it was cool catching up with her.

We went in at 3:00, got our tickets, and had to wait a few more minutes before heading inside, but it wasn't too long. We ended up getting really good seats right on the floor, which was awesome! Although, once people sat in front of us, it was a little harder to see. Before the show started they had a couple guys come out to get the crowd pumped; they were telling jokes, bouncing around, and showed us around the website. A few minutes later, Jay himself walked out, to explain how things were going to work. Then asked if anyone had any questions. I hadn't really given it much thought, so I didn't raise my hand. One girl asked if she could get a picture with him, and he was like "oh yeah, sure, c'mon down here! Does someone have a camera?" So, she went up on stage, and sat in the seat, while he pretended to interview her, and someone that worked for him, took the picture. Of course, that caused a chain reaction, and everyone was starting to ask for that. He didn't mind at all, he even went up into the stands to take a picture. He seemed incredibly nice! Now, I know to do that next time I go ;). By that time, he had to go backstage to get ready, but I thought it was really cool that he takes the time out before each show.
Rickey Minor, and The Tonight Show band started off the show, like they do every night, and everyone ran down to shake his hand! For some strange reason, that had always been on my bucket list, because even when I was little I'd see everyone do it, and that it looked fun! So, it was the moment of opportunity, and I took it! I got to shake his hand, and they even showed me on TV later, which was my goal haha, and it was very exciting! Jay went through his monologue, and then got the show started. Matthew Morrison (Glee) and Carrie Underwood were the guests, and two of my favorite people, so I was excited!
Matthew Morrison came out first to talk, and he talked for quite awhile, which was cool. Jay even pulled up this old video of one of Matthew's first film credits, which was hilarious! I think I became an even bigger fan of Matt's while on the show. He seems like a genuine, fun, and nice guy! He just always has this smile on his face, that you can't help but smile, as well. I really love his style and his music! Not too much longer after, Carrie came out, looking beautiful as always! She talked a little about married life, her new movie (Soul Surfer), American Idol, and her killer performance on the ACM's with Steven Tyler (which they also showed a clip from, Carrie was making the same faces as she'd watch it, and then she'd laugh). It's crazy to think about the first time she was on Jay's show, after she won, and how far she's come since then! During the commercial break, she was talking to Jay, and the band started playing Jesus Take The Wheel, trying to get her attention, so she would come over. Finally, the lead singer, walked over with an extra mic, and was like "c'mon Carrie!""Did you put them up to this?," she asked Rickey Minor (who was the band leader on American Idol). I was so glad we got to hear her sing again :) It was funny too, because she kept losing her place, and trying to figure out where she was! They showed us a clip of Soul Surfer, and after that, Matthew headed over to perform his new song "Summer Rain." It was great to see him and Carrie interacting together, I'm hoping he asked her to be on Glee, one of these days! He seemed to be a fan of hers, which was awesome!

I had a harder time seeing Matthew perform, but it was fine! I could hear him singing, and it was so catchy, Carrie was bobbing along as well! haha. The show wrapped after that, but the three of them stayed on the musical guest stage to record a promo for the show that night! A few minutes later, they escorted Jay and Carrie out, and I think Matthew went out another way, because I didn't see him leave. It was such a fun day! It's always so fun getting to see the "behind the scenes" stuff that happens on your favorite shows. It really makes you appreciate all that goes into making a show. There are so many aspects we forget to take into consideration like all the cameras, lighting, sound, the band, queue cards, and just getting the crowd into it, so all the guests and Jay are ready to bring a great show to the table! If you ever get a chance to see a show taping, I say take it, because it's a great experience! :)

Until next time,

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