Steve Carell Office Update

The Office’s lead funnyman Steve Carell has officially said goodbye to his eccentric character Michael Scott, according to USA Today.  Carell’s departure was a long time coming, apparently having announced his decision to leave the show last June. 

“I want to fulfill my contract. I think it’s a good time to move on,” Carell told Entertainment Weekly.

Carell’s final episode airs April 28th, Huffington Post reports, leaving four episodes until the season finale which is set to air May 19th. His departure coincides nicely with Will Ferrell‘s drop in. Ferell’s four episode guest appearance as branch manager begins just as Michael Scott bids the Scranton Branch farewell, after nearly seven seasons.

How will The Office cast get along without Carell? More importantly, how will Dwight Schrute survive without Michael Scott’s barely-there management?

Actor Rainn Wilson, who plays Schrute on the long-running comedy, had this to say on Twitter about Carell’s leave.
 " @rainnwilson Steve Carell's last day on 'The Office.' And the angels of comedy wept... #saddestdayever "

Where does this leave fans of the Emmy award winning show? I, for one, as a loyal fan of The Office, don’t think it will be the same watching new episodes and not hearing Michael Scott rant inaccurately about a topic, or spew inappropriate remarks around the professional setting without a second thought. Still, I’m pretty excited to see what Will Ferrell will do with his role as branch manager on The Office. And if he sings a song, as he is famous for doing in his big screen productions, I might just die. It may seem a little outlandish to have him singing as a regional manager, but I think these writers can fit it in. Fingers crossed!    

Besides director Paul Feig told MTV News a little of what we can expect for the upcoming episode: “It's emotional, but it's funny. It's just a really nice mix and it sends Michael off in a good way. I'm thrilled with it,” adding “I think fans of the show will be really happy with it.”

What do you think: Will the show lose loyal Michael Scott viewers now that Carrell has resigned the role, or will it continue to roll with the punches and ignore the negative criticism of bloggers

By: Dominique

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