Lighting is Everything! {Make Up Tips}
Fashion, Hailey 3:47 PM
I recently watched The Today Show where they featured Bobbi Brown during the Fashion and Beauty hour. Bobbi Brown
gives tips on applying foundation and it turned out to be my number one rule when applying my foundation and bronzer/blush! Now, I know that the natural light can be a little scary when your getting ready in the morning, because it shows every flaw! But, you can make sunlight your new best friend! From now on, when applying your foundation, open up your curtains and let the sun shine through. I sit out in my living room when applying my makeup because it's where I get the most sunlight. You'll see that putting on your foundation in the natural light won't let you miss any flaw on your face! Unlike your bathroom lights, the sunlight will show everything, so you won't miss a single spot on your face that needs to be covered or blended in. Plus to make it even better, you will no longer have to fear stepping outside and realizing your makeup isn't as pretty as you thought! It's happened to the best of us! Try this tip and trust me, you'll be doing it every day with a smile on your face!
Written By: Hailey
Written By: Hailey