Diet Danger {Diet Soda...not so diet}
Posted by Sarah
9:44 AM
“Can I get you all started off with some drinks?” the adorable waiter asks your table and one by one all the girls announce they’ll have a “diet coke”. I’ve always been a sucker for diet soda, it just makes my day better and turns my frown upside down! However, according to diet soda can be just as bad, if not worse, than regular soda. Their study found that “adults who drink one or more sodas a day - diet or regular - had about a 50 percent higher risk of metabolic syndrome - a cluster of risk factors such as excessive fat around the waist, low levels of “good” cholesterol, high blood pressure…” I always used to think I was being super healthy when I drank diet soda, I would drink six or seven cans per day and ended up getting really shaky with a terrible headache, this is so not good ladies! I started drinking water with Crystal Light packets and they are a fabulous substitution! I also tried out sparkling, flavored water and that actually helped with the lack of fizz…more of a comfort thing, sometimes you can trick your brain into thinking you’re drinking soda this way! Now, I’m not saying that if you don’t give up your diet soda you’re going to get fat and have high blood pressure. I’m just saying that rather than putting artificial coloring and tons of caffeine into your body, try switching to water four times a day and limit your diet soda intake to one, maybe two cans a day or just special occasions. You’ll notice the results in the long run and your body will thank you!
Written By: Alli