Thrift Stores: A Guide

I absolutely love thrift stores. To me, it's like a modern-day treasure hunt. Of course, that doesn't mean that the experience is all fun. Here are a few tips to take some of the stress out of thrifting:

  • Give yourself time: If you only have an hour to shop; it's not worth the trip. There's a lot of digging involved in thrift shopping, so make sure to free up your schedule so you can be thorough.

  • Keep an open mind: Doesn't it always seem like when you need to buy one item, you can never seem to find it? It's doubtful that you'll find the one dress you need for a certain event at a thrift store (at least the first time you go); the best finds tend to just happen. If you're trying to avoid unnecessary buys, make a short list of things you're looking for (skirts, blouses, etc.)

  • Look everywhere: My last find? A blue floral dress. The place where I found it? The little kid's section—the size for it is “11 years”. Check the men's and kids sections for some really unique finds.

  • Be creative: Think of how you can rework a piece to make it fit. With a pair of scissors, anything is possible.

  • Do some editing once you get home: Make sure you have room for your new finds: go through your own things and either donate unworn clothes to Goodwill or take them to a consignment shop for some extra cash. Keep the cycle going!

    Written By: Amanda

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