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Jordan, Reality TV 11:23 AM
After a fairy tale ending on the Bachelorette, ABC decided that we now needed a bigger reality show that involves romance, competition and money. After putting those 3 things together, we get ABC's new show Bachelor Pad. The Bachelor Pad is that new summer show that you don't want to watch, but you will. It consists of numerous Bachelor/Bachelorette rejects living and competing together for $250,000 - and maybe finding love along the way. Clearly ABC added more girls than guys in the house; about an 11:8 ratio. The girls will probably end up having cat fights over one of the guys, and just from Monday night's episode you can see the cliques forming. This should be an interesting show to watch.
Meet the Crew (In Order of Appearance):
Tenley (Jake's Season) - Other than Ali, Tenley was my favorite from Jake's season. I was thoroughly rooting for her throughout the whole show, but in Monday nights episode I saw sweet, quiet Tenley turn into squeaky, annoying Tenley. She was the first one to arrive and didn't forget to bring her hyper, positive attitude that we didn't see on the Bachelor. Everyone that walked in the door, she was squealing with joy - especially when Kiptyn walked in. It was cute at first, but by the fourth person, it was time for her to go.
Jesse B (Ali's Season) - From the moment I saw Jesse B on Ali's season I was stunned at how good-looking he is. He seems quiet, but hopefully throughout the season we will see him break out of his shell and come to life. If he can gain personality, he may be the Roberto of this season.
Natalie (Jason's Season) - From the moment she walked in the door, I could see why Jason let Natalie go. She totally thinks she is perfect, and talks badly about everyone. She is extremely annoying, but this show could end up being terribly boring without her in the house. She's that girl that everyone will love to hate.
David (Jillian's Season) - David was that extremely angry guy on Jillian's season. When I saw he was going to be in the house I was excited but nervous because I was sure he was going to have an angry breakout within the first 10 minutes. Instead ABC must have told David "you have to be happy and normal this season or else you can't be on the show." What a disappointment, he may have stride up a lot if he had stayed angry.
Gwen (Aaron's Season) - I don't remember Aaron, or Gwen. Gwen is sweet, though, and may get far this season because she is so quiet and won't start anything. She won't be in the middle of any drama, but it is always nice to have one girl that is chill. As Jesse said " I look at her like a Mom". Gwen will be the butt of all old jokes throughout the season, and that fact that there are ?? next to her age doesn't help her at all.
Jessie (Jake's Season) - Jessie is cute - although I don't remember much of her from Jake's season. She seems really sweet, and it someone that all these girls should watch out for. I can see her winning most of the competitions or going on many dates and getting the rose.
Jonathan (Ali's Season) - He's still a weatherman and not funny.
Nikki (Jason's Season) - Another girl I don't remember. Either I wasn't paying attention, or they went home pretty early in the show. Nikki has something odd about her, and she is totally angry at Juan this season. Outside of the show (as Natalie states) Juan and Nikki had a thing, and Juan needed a place to stay while he was in Chicago so he asked Nikki if he could stay at her place. As Natalie made clear "he knew to stay there he would have to sleep with her." Yep, never heard a weirder story than that.
Juan (Jillian's Season) - I didn't like Juan then, and I don't like him now. He walked in with his fake smile, and fakely enthused how happy he was to be there and see everyone. That was, until he saw Nikki. Instantly his face went from smiles to seriousness. Nikki STILL didn't want anything to do with him, but why should she? There is just something about Juan that seems so sneaky. Good thing he got one last game of Twister in before Nikki told the girls she wanted him gone and they obeyed.
Wes (Jillian's Season) - I think we all know Wes by now, and his famous line of "they say love...it don't come eaaasy." Wes was the player of Jillians season, and it was obvious that Jillian fell for Wes's good looks and couldn't realize what a player he was. Well being the villain of the Bachelor, Wes has made a comeback to win not only Gia's heart (even though she is taken) but to also win the money.
Krisily (Charlie's Season) - She made the mistake of telling the girls that she wanted to vote off all of the tough guys first. Of course Natalie, Tenley and Elizabeth rule the house and when they were told that their friends may get voted off, they proceeded to tell the guys - David and Jesse specifically - what Kirsily's plan was. The boys then went ahead and tried to boot Kirsily off first. Miss Krisily isn't remembered much from her Bachelor days, but she may just be making a name for herself on the Bachelor Pad.
Elizabeth (Jake's Season) - I think we all remember Elizabeth. She was the dark brunette who kept teasing Jake about whether or not he wanted to kiss her. Well, she's back and blonder than ever - but her blond hair doesn't do anything good for her. She looked much better as a brunette. Elizabeth's place in the house is constantly telling Jesse from Jillian's season how in love with him she is- while Jesse feels nothing back. Elizabeth was the 'prude' of Jake's season and so strong in her "beliefs" and now she is melting at every lie Jesse tells her. What happened between Jake and Ali's seasons that caused her SUCH a dramatic change? Hopefully she will realize soon that Jesse is no good for her and she will move on
Jesse K (Jillian's Season) - Also known as Elizabeth's obsession or one of the strong guys that Krisily wanted to get rid of. He isn't there for her, but he has nicely assumed that they were on a strict hooking up basis while she falls in love with every lie he tells her - typical boy. He is there for the money, and honestly, he will probably get it. Although, I hope not.
Kiptyn (Jillian' Season) - One of my favorite guys of all time. I loved him on Jillian's season, and I love him now. Although Tenley got annoying, I hope that they work things out and are able to have a relationship. stated that they had been on a few dates (that no one got to see, unfortunately) but she doesn't know where they stand. Well I hope Kiptyn tells her because they both deserve Kiptyn. Kiptyn will be the sweet guy that will probably make it far..i hope.
Ashley (Jake's Season) - She is the one that dressed up like a flight attendant. Honestly, I think that they should have picked someone different, but hopefully we will be able to see a different side to her this season.
Peyton (Andy's Season) - The thing that stinks for Peyton is that no one remembers her or Andy. She is so quiet that the cameras don't follow her like they follow Natalie. If she makes it far, it's because someone with a "strong" personality took her under their wing. Other than that I don't think she will get too far.
Michelle (Jake's Season) - If you watch the Bachelor avidly, or at least saw Jake's season, you know Michelle. She is still just as psycho, but it's okay she doesn't last long. We can all thank Tenley for that.
Gia (Jake's Season) - I actually really like Gia. Out of all of them she seems the most real. But I'm not the only one that loves her, as soon as she walked into the room every guy had their full attention on her. Gia is completely beautiful, it actually should be illegal to be THAT beautiful. I see her going far in the game, but I am praying she doesn't fall into Wes's trap and stays faithful to her boyfriend.
By this point in the show everyone thinks Gia was the last to arrive. They, especially the weatherman, are extremely thankful that Craig M. didn't show up. Honestly, do we really think ABC wouldn't put Craig M. in there?
And then we see it, a limo pull up, and out comes CRAIG M! What a surprise..not.
Craig M. (Ali's Season) - Totally taunted the weatherman to a million pieces. The weatherman then got on the Bachelor Pad and gave Craig a bad name which caused Elizabeth to hate him. I was expecting a uproar with Craig and the weatherman right away, but Craig actually seems decent this season. Only time will really tell though.
So there are the 19 Bachelor and Bachelorettes. Do you like who they picked, or would you choose completely different people?
The Deal
Although this show is like watching a bunch of sorority girls and fraternity boys, there is actually a plot to the whole thing. First off, we have two hosts for our Monday night guilty pleasures. Obviously Chris Harrison, and dun dun dun Melissa Rycroft STRICKLAND as she made VERY clear.
After being introduced to the hosts of the show Chris Harrison begins to tell what this whole thing is about. There will be a competition weekly, and whoever is able to win that competition will be given a rose. The rose isn't just a monumental part to the Bachelor show, but it also gives the winner immunity for the week. The winner then goes on a date, where he/she is able to pick three people he/she would like to go with. On that date the winner gives one of their dates a rose too. That then means that one boy and one girl will always be safe before each rose ceremony. At the rose ceremony, the boys vote of the girls, and vice versa. That way it seems fair. Towards the end they will end up regrouping as couples, and it will eventually get narrowed down to one couple. When the one couple is chosen they will go against each other for $250,000. Since the show has about 3 more girls than guys, there will be a point where they will even out the numbers. No idea how, or when, but sometime during this season that will happen.
Once they are told the whole point of their being there, the Bachelors and Bachelorettes go see where they will be staying. ABC gave this game a little twist - they will be rooming together in bunk beds. That's right, guys and girls in the same room sleeping below or above each other. Nikki is especially horrified because she doesn't look pleasant in the morning and she doesn't want the boys to see her that way. I don't think Nikki will have too many weeks to go through that horrifying event anyway.
Now that they get the point of the game, and where they are sleeping it is time for a hard day sitting by the pool. At the pool, the girls all decide to get rid of Craig this week, because they - Elizabeth especially - don't like how mean he was to the Weatherman on Ali's season. Elizabeth states time after time that she doesn't think he is a nice guy, and since she doesn't know him, she doesn't feel like he needs to be there. Except for when she wants to make-out with him to get a rose (but we will get to that in a second).
Getting Twisted
While sitting at the pool Melissa comes by and tells everyone that it is time for their first competition. When the team arrives to their destination of a different view of the pool, they see a huge twister board. Melissa tells them that the will be playing twister, but as the number of them dwindles down so won't the size of the board.
The game goes pretty quick. Before the game Tenely insists she will win because she is a flexible dancer, but what the don't tell her is that she will also need to know the difference between right and left. Tenely is booted of the board 2nd..she's a winner all right. After Tenely a bunch of other people are booted off because they don't know their colors or left and rights. It eventually gets down to Craig M, and Jessie. Obviously the girls want Jessie to win because they want to get rid of Craig, and they can't do that if Craig gets immunity by winning. While sitting on the bench Elizabeth states the she wants Jessie to win. This really upset Craig, you could tell. He just didn't understand why Elizabeth hated him so much. Once Craig go over it, Jessie ends up making a deal with him that if she wins she will take him on the date, and if he wins he will take her. They agree, and a few seconds later Jessie falls. Was it planned? I don't know, but it sure seemed like it.
So, the girl's plan is ruined. Craig won, and now he has to pick 3 girls to take with him on a date.
Elizabeth doesn't want to go, and hopes that Craig won't pick her. She has enough confidence and feels like she is safe and doesn't need to rose. So she declares that she will deny an invitation for a date if Craig asks. Meanwhile, Craig is still upset that she hates him and decides to pull her over at the house and ask what her deal is. She states she got negative vibes from him, but she won't hate him forever and will give him another chance. Uhh..okay...he didn't really get a first chance in the first place!
Back at the house before Craig's date a rumor goes around that Michelle and Craig ended up hooking-up the night before. At first you would assume it was Natalie that started the rumor but it wasn't. It was the new outgoing, squeaky Tenely. Outraged that Tenely would do that, Michelle makes her move by locking Tenely in the bathroom unexpectedly and freaking out at her behind close doors (even though cameras are outside and can hear everything they are saying). Tenely then comes out acting like she just got shot and instantly you see sweet, innocent, hurt Tenely again. Her attitude completely changed. She was crying a huge ocean, but good thing she was able to find Elizabeth to talk to. She tells Elizabeth what happens, Elizabeth tells someone else, and before you know it the whole house knows. Go Elizabeth! As a result of Tenely being the popular girl in school, and Michelle being the unpopular girl, Elizabeth tells Tenely that it won't be a problem and Michelle will go this elimination. All of a sudden, the ocean stops pouring and Tenely gets the most evil smirk on her face. Michelle was history at that very moment.
Craig's Date
Craig chose Jessie (duh), Gwen, and Elizabeth. I don't know why he chose Gwen or Elizabeth, but he did. So they head out and go to a beach where they have one-on-one time with Craig. Elizabeth asks Jessie if she would make-out with Craig just to get the rose. Jessie says no, so Elizabeth proceeds to ask Jessie if she would mind if she made-out with Craig for the rose. 1. Why would Jessie care? 2. I thought she was hopelessly devoted to Jesse 3. Is she really back to her old ways of "who do you want to make-out with" game that she played with Jake. I hope Elizabeth is gone soon.
After the beach all 4 of them head to a theater where Melissa is waiting for them. She tells the girls and Craig that Craig must hand out the rose now and go on a solo date with one girl. He ends up choosing his game-mate Jessie, which ends up making Elizabeth very angry. On the way back to the house Elizabeth talks to Gwen about how Craig should have picked her (Elizabeth) because it would have meant he redeemed himself to her (even though he didn't do anything). Gwen just listened, but she was probably wishing she wasn't their at the point in time.
Meanwhile, Jessie and Craig are at the theater where they decide to dance to 'Wherever You Will Go" by The Calling. It was sung solely by the lead singer Alex Band, and was a very cute friendship date if I do say so myself.
Elizabeth, Jesse K and the End
Back at the house, after Elizabeth was done pouting about not getting the rose, she decided to sit down with Jesse K and tell him how in love with him she was over and over and over. It was awkward for her, for him, and for the rest of America. Jesse could not have made it anymore obvious that he wasn't into her, and that he wanted to see other people, especially because it could get him further in the game. So basically in Jesse's head its : Hook-up with as many girls in the house as I can = winning the game and in Elizabeth's head its: I'm so in love with Jesse and when I kiss him I just feel love (her words, not mine). Does anyone else see something wrong with that picture? The blonde hair has really made Elizabeth numb to the world; if she was smart she would realize she can do better than him. Even though you and I know it, we can't yell through the TV, all we can do is pray she realizes he is not interested and was just with her to hook-up. Jerk.
After Craig and Jessie got back from their date, everyone mingled, gossiped and then formed groups between the boys and the girls to figure out who to vote out. Nikki was positive that she didn't want Juan around for one more minute so even though Juan attempted to apologize to save his butt, it didn't work and he was booted out. Tenely also made it clear that she didn't want crazy Michelle around, and at the sound of her two heels clicking Michelle was voted out. I'm sure Krisily was happy about that because it was close to being her - hopefully she can realize that she should never mention getting rid of Natalie, Tenely or Elizabeth's boy(friends) out loud. She won't be getting a second chance.
The premiere was juicy, tasteless, classless, and oh so addicting. I will be watching all season for sure.
Written By: Jordan