Get To Know Kristin: We want to know YOU too!!
fun, kristin 4:50 PM
You know how in the back of Cosmo
Two Names You Go By
1. Kristin Lynn
2. Kris
Two Parts of Your Heritage
1. Filipino
2. Peruvian/Spaniard
Two Things That Scare You
1. Snakes (eek!)
2. Failure (who likes to fail??)
Two of Your Everyday Essentials
1. EOS Lip Balm in Summer Fruit (MUST TRY!)
2. Blackberry (Mobile everything! Micro Mobile/music etc...)
Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now
1. black tank
2. Victoria's Secret PINK Collection: Blue sweats
Two of Your Favorite Bands or Musical Artists (at the moment)
1. Atherton - California (anytime I'm away from home, especially out of California, this song just makes me miss home!)
2. Tamar Kaprelian - New Day (This song really speaks from the changes I've been through)
*I LOVE MUSIC, so it's hard for me to choose.
Two Things You Want in a Relationship (other than Real Love)
1. Trust (without it, what would your relationship have?
2. Laughter is the key to any relationship
Two Truths
1. No, I don't smoke weed like the rest of California
2. I HATE apple juice, but I love everything else apple.
Two Physical Things that Appeal to You About the Opposite Sex.
1. hair
2. smile
Two of Your Favorite Hobbies
1. Eating (I love food & trying different types! I would love to travel & get paid to eat!)
2. Discovering new music artists/going to concerts
Two Things You Want Really Badly
1. Currently, an updated version of my Blackberry, I've been abusing the one I have. Surprised it still works!
2. Casssssssh $$$ :)
Two Places You Want to go on Vacation
1. Peru
2. All over Europe
Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die
1. Sky Dive
2. Have my life settled: kids, married. the whole 10 yards
Two Ways That You are Stereotyped
1. I must be smart if I'm asian with glasses haha. But naturally I'm a nerd, so it's a compliment
2. I'm Filipino so I must have a gazillion cousin. Also which is true, BUT I am an only child & half Filipino
Two Things You Are Thinking About Now
1. I really need to take my economics test online.....
2. I ate really bad the past 3 days, must run soon.
Two Stores You Shop At
1. Forever 21 (chic affordable fashion? YES PLEASE! I've been shopping there since 5th grade!!)
2. Charlotte Russe/Pac Sun
Two people you haven't talked to in a while
1. My cousin Stephanie in San Francisco (should because I'm moving there next year!)
2. High school people????? haha
Two favorite web sites
1. Facebook
2. The Gossip Cocktail
Two pets you had (have)
1. Cockerspaniel named Tootsie
2. My goldfishy named Selena
Two Favorite Sports
1. Figure Skating
2. Football
Two things you did last night
1. Left the hospital at 8pm
2. Brushed/Flossed/Rinsed my teeth (dental hygiene is important!)
Two shows you like to watch
1. Pretty Little Liars (i have to admit, it's better than Gossip Girl)
2. Glee (i once was a Gleek myself, I was in choir, but it was popular since I went to a performing arts school)
+Anderson Cooper 360 (im a news junkie & I love Anderson Cooper!)
Two places you like to go "out" to
1. Fancy Restaurants
2. Downtown San Diego (the nightlife basically, im more of a stay at home gal)
What's your answers????
Or any random fav's you'd like to share, I'm curious!