Blade Runner: A Science-Fashion Exploration
Amanda, Televisoin 2:43 PM
Chances are, even if you've heard of it, you have most likely never watched the 1982 film Blade Runner (or one of its numerous director's cuts). I can't exactly blame you: its science fiction plot line and surreal universe lends itself only to cult status. However, if you're in need of a little wardrobe inspiration, this “guy” flick may be perfect to you.
Like many science fiction films made in the 80s, Blade Runner takes place in the distant future of 2019, where humanoid robots known as “replicants” are considered illegal and must be tracked down and eliminated by “blade runners”—but this isn't all that important. Rather, it is this cyber-punk universe that should be your inspiration: the world is a futuristic, grungy Chinatown. Juxtaposed with this is a reworking of 1940s style clothing and hair, with a touch of 80s glam rock thrown in. It is the only film I'm aware of in which leather trench coats, white fur, and clear ponchos (with nothing underneath!) can all exist in harmony, and there's just something about that that I find fascinating and know other viewers will too.
So put down The Devil Wears Prada or Confessions of a Shopaholic, and let Blade Runner show you a thing or two about fashion.
Written By: Amanda
Posted by Sarah
on 2:43 PM.
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