Ask Annie

brianna said...

What to do when you think your boyfriend is cheating on you?

what do i do i think my boyfriend is cheating on me because his friend tells me that he could and even his cousin tells me he could i could believe them because they know him more then i do but they could be telling me that to make me break up with him because his friend wants to go out with me and even his cousin and they say he could be going out with a girl from his myspace oh and me and my boyfriend have been going out for almost 2 months and we don't see each other. My boyfriend lives by girls from his myspace. I don't know what to do his friend and cousin tell me to break up with him but i really love him. On my myspace i can't have lots of boys on my myspace because my boyfriend gets jellies and i erased some of my friends that are boys so he would be happy with me but what i don't like that he gets more girls on his myspace.

Dear Brianna,

It sounds to me like you have a controlling, insecure boyfriend on your hands. How do I know this? Because I dated one for many years myself. It starts with him trying to make you feel bad for having other friends who are guys and he convinces you to delete them off your page (and from your life), but it will only get worse from there. If he trusted and respected you, he would not have a problem with who you are friends with on an online website. I also find it interesting that he won’t allow you to have guy friends on myspace, but he is allowing himself plenty of female friends; this is a sign of a control freak! Soon (if not already) he will be telling you what to wear, which friends of yours he likes/doesn’t like, why you can’t hang out with them and you will find yourself feeling isolated and trapped with no way out. 

As for the cheating aspect, it sounds a bit fishy to me that his “friend” not only wants to date you, but is telling you that your boyfriend could be cheating on you. It could either be a ruse for you to break up with your boyfriend and date him, or he could be telling the truth; my guess is the former. Either way, you never see your boyfriend, clearly you don’t trust him and apparently he doesn’t trust you… so you have to ask yourself: what is the point of continuing this relationship?

Written By: Anne

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