Karina Smirnoff Slips On Partner Ralph Macchio's Costume!

Professional dancer Karina Smirnoff took a spill that brought partner Ralph Macchio down with her. This incident was more a wardrobe malfunction than a dancing error, but Macchio quickly picked Smirnoff up to get her back on track and they regained their composure. Though this mishap occured, it brought more fire and attitude to Smirnoff's routine.
"Mr. Miyagi would be very proud of you for getting right back up and right into the dance," Carrie Ann Inaba said.
"I'm not gonna castigate you," Len Goodman told the pair. "I'm gonna congratulate you."
Ultimately, they rebounded enough to score 24 points, which kept them from being up for elimination, but it is up to their fans at home to continuously vote to keep them on the show.
Check them out Mondays at 8PM ET on ABC.
By: Alaina

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