Jana Kramer: One Tree Hill starlet turned country star

 Jana Kramer is best known for her role of Alex Dupre, the selfish boyfriend stealing model/actress of One Tree Hill.  When she came into the show in late 2009 most fans were less than thrilled to have her character stirring up trouble in the small town of Tree Hill.  Tree Hill has had its share of villians, Dan Scott, Nikki, psycho Derek, and Nannie Carrie just to name a few.  But Jana's storyline really took us for a spin.  One second shes trying to jump in bed with Brooke's boyfriend the next she is crying and remoresful.  We've seen her at her worst but we've also seen the good side of her, and I think we saw the best side of her when she debued her new single 'Wont Give Up' during an April episode of the show.

I had read online that Jana would be releasing a single and that it would be featured in the show beforehand, but when it comes to actress's turned singers I'm very skeptical.  A lot of the time you have an actress who has the money or fame to land herself a single or a record but the quality usually isn't the greatest (Paris Hilton, Kim K, Heidi Montag? Need I go on?)  So when Jana picked up the guitar and started the song I was very surprised by what I heard.  Now normally when actress's sing they are auto-tuned to the point of not even being able to tell its them singing.  The songs are usually upbeat, something you may hear at a club.  Jana's single could not be any more different.  'Won't Give Up' is a slow country ballad with great vocals.  Yes, you read that correctly, a country ballad.  That's one I don't think Ive seen any actress's attempt before.  But she pulled it off wonderfully.  And hey, I can actually recognize her voice!
With that all being said it is definetly worth a listen (or ten or fifty).  So even all you Alex hating One Tree Hill fans should push your hard feelings towards her character aside and give it a chance because I hope like myself you will be pleasently surprised and have a song that you will be playing just as much as you play your One Tree Hill DVD's!

By: Colleen 

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