Tips for Getting Work Done Effectively

If your the biggest procrastinator at college like I am, there are some things you can do to help get your work done on time and stop procrastinating.

1. Block Facebook on your computer: I spend the majority of the time when I'm supposed to be doing work on Facebook. If it really becomes a problem, have a friend change your password and have them agree to not give it back to you until your done with your work. You could also disconnect your internet cable.

2. Go somewhere else to study: I work most efficiently when I head to the library or computer lab at my college. There's less distractions, and since you probably don't want to be stuck there for very long, it will encourage you to work harder.

3. Change your surroundings: If there's not really anywhere else you can go to study, try a different room in your house or apartment. I find if I just leave my bedroom and go into my living room I can get more work done.

4. Give yourself a reward: Set a goal and determine a reward you'll give yourself for getting work done. It can be candy, chocolate, a trip to the gym, or doing an activity you like such as doing some artwork.

5. Take a Break: If you have been doing a lot of work, take a short 5 to 10 minute break to just clear your head. You can talk to a friend or go on Facebook (don't just stay on for very long!). You'll find when you come back from the break that you can work much more efficiently.

Written By: Kristen

Posted by Sarah on 6:17 PM. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0
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