Senioritis? Get cured with these tips!

It comes to that time in your life when you’re the big man on campus. Senior year. Depending on your previous experience in high school or college, some love it, and some hate it. Personally, I am loving my senior year so far, but even though its only day three, I have already been hearing complaints from fellow classmates about homework, the long days in the warm building, and underclassmen clogging the hallways. Yes I, too want to get the year done and move onto bigger and better things but grades are still important at this time of year. If you do not pass, you do not graduate. End of story.

There are however some tips to succeeding in senior year even if you are suffering from bad senioritis.

Step 1: Keep focused. Do not sleep during class! Keep your eyes on the board and your ears open. Listen to the teacher as if she or he is reading a story aloud to the class. It kept our focus when we were little, right?

Step 2: Make friends with the underclassmen! I know I have some great friends who are not necessarily my own age. I loved when I was friends with the older kids freshmen and sophomore year. You get more in tune with the school and you feel relived that seniors are not really that big and scary. You are only a few years older than the younger ones, so be nice and by the end of the year, who knows? Maybe you won’t want to leave behind your new friends and will actually be sad to see the year go by.

Step 3 (A tip for all students!): Be involved in the school! School spirit is becoming a huge thing in my school this year. Get out to the football and basketball games with your friends! Wear your class colors to pep-rallies and school events! Go to the dances! Your 4 years in high school or college will go by faster than you think and by being sluggish and uninvolved, your senioritis will get the best of you and all of a sudden you will be in the real world with no energy to want to do anything. Remember that being lazy can be changed if you try; if you don’t, laziness will embed in you and it will be hard to snap out of it when you need to. If you want the year to go by fast, being involved will help that! If you get excited for events time will pass quicker and soon enough you will have your diploma! (Which is the ultimate goal, correct?)

So no matter if you are in high school or college, do not fall under the senioritis spell. Enjoy every minute of your last year and be excited about being a senior opposed to thinking “ugh I just want to be done with school.” You will get nowhere with that attitude! Stay positive and energized, that’s all!

Written by: Julie

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