Blush for Blush

The new trend for Fall is pink 'just been pinched' cheeks. So ladies I was trying to find a reasonable priced blush for the thrifty and fashionable lady out there. I purchase a lot from Sephora as you can see in past articles but you have to save money somewhere. I walked into my local drugstore and saw that Maybelline has a cream blush in an array of colors. If you don't like a little sparkle than this blush is not for you, but if you want a pinch of color on your cheeks for under $8 than go get one now.  I was always iffy with cream blush because I d not have the best skin in the world but its very light and go to a department store and ask questions before purchasing. That was I love Sephora because they always have the best answers.

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Let's get started in how to apply:
1. Make sure that you skin is moisturized and hydrated.
2.  I apply to the apples of my cheeks so I make a BIG smile and apply upward toward the temples.
3. Set with a powder and enjoy the 'I just ran a mile' look or 'saw a hot guy' look.

Here are some pictures to get some ideas:
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Keep making trends!

Posted by Sarah on 1:14 PM. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0
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