Monday nights episode of Bachelor Pad was all about kissing - lots and lots of kissing.

The house is still split in two, but they all had to come together when they found out their competition this week was being the best kisser.  Of course, you are going to have those few people who are complete make-out kings and queens and go all out, and those that feel very uncomfortable kissing everyone of the opposite sex.  So, the girls went first - for some reason they ALWAYS go first, hm. 
Anyway, the girls were blindfolded and one by one they would go up and stand in front of all of the guys.  Each guy would then kiss the girl, but the girl would have no idea who she was kissing when.  After she had kissed every guy in the house, she went back inside, put a number in a box, and then the next girl would get blindfolded and go.  When it was announced what they would have to do I though it would be a peck for each guy, but leave it to Elizabeth and Natalie to turn it into a full make-out session with each guy.   

Gia freaked out about the whole thing because she has a boyfriend at home.  Honestly, they shouldn't have allowed her on the show because of her boyfriend. The boys were very respectful of her though and only pecked her on the lips.  Ultimately when the game turned around and the guys became blindfolded, Gia decided to drop out.  Not quietly though, she cried the whole time, but in the end after kissing every guy once she decided she probably shouldn't do this.  Ashley was another girl that decided right from the beginning that this wasn't her game and she didn't want to participate.  She felt that her students would judge her and that wasn't okay with her.  Lame-o's.

In the end, Peyton won for the girls, and Dave for the guys.  Natalie was clearly the most angered by Peyton's win.  She felt she was clearly the best kisser - I'm glad the guys gave her a reality check.

Dave, Natalie, and Some Other Girls

David took Natalie, Krisily and Nikki to Vegas where they spent some time at the Bare pool at the Mirage.  Kirsily felt that her and Dave really had something, but so didn't Natalie.  In order to get a rose, Natalie did what she does best and took off her top in the pool.  Of course,  Dave loved it and gave the rose to Natalie.  The other girls were then sent back to the house, and Dave and Natalie proceeded to the fantasy suite where they did who-knows-what, and when they got back to the house they declared themselves a 'secret' couple. I don't know if they realize it, but they aren't too good a  being secretive.

Peyton took Jesse B, Kovacs, and Kiptyn.  They're date was pretty cool, laidback and fun.   They raced cars around a racetrack.  Sounds lame - but looked fun. Jesse B. was hoping to get the rose because he has always had a secret crush on Peyton.  Kiptyn lied to her about having a think with Tenely, and Peyton found out the Kovacs was a pretty funny guy.

Back at the house Elizabeth and Tenely were freaking out about their 'men' being on a date with another prettier girl.  Tenely was whining about how Kiptyn didn't seem to be on the same level she was about their relationship, and Elizabeth was terribly stressed that Kovacs was going to end it with her.

Back at the date,  Kovacs and Kiptyn used their brains and realized that they weren't going to get the rose because Peyton knew they would choose Elizabeth and Tenely over her.

On their one-on-one part of the date Jesse B. and Peyton got to talking and realized there were feelings there.  They shared a kiss, and in the end Jesse got his dream of getting the rose from her.  They then went ahead and shared the night together in the fantasy suite.

Gia and Elimination 

At the house Wes serenaded Gia with his guitar and one lyric song of "love don't come eaaaasy".  Gia was obviously a little drunk and went ahead to say “he's like modern day Shakespeare, but better and cuter.”  Awkward.

It was terribly obvious that Gia has fallen for Wes, but even more obvious that Wes had fallen for Gia.  Not only did he say it, but he tried to save her butt from elimination - and when I say tried - he begged the guys to vote Elizabeth.

In the end, it came down to Elizabeth and Gia in a tie.  In order to break the tie, Dave had to choose who he wanted to keep (because he won the kissing contest).  He went with the obvious decision to keep Elizabeth.  For the guys, the Weatherman was booted. 

I'd give this episdoe a 3.5 out of 5.  It was trashy, funny, and annoying.  I am hoping next week involves less tears, and whining - we'll see!
What did you think of this weeks episode?

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