America's Next Top Model's Skinny Waste
Jordan, Reality TV 6:50 PM
Tyra Banks has been a role-model her whole life for girls of all sizes. She makes young girls to older women feel good about themselves, no matter what age, weight, or height they may be. But recently, Tyra has been under the spotlight for next seasons ANTM promo commercial. In the commercial, Tyra is seen admiring a contestants skinny waste. She exclaims "you have the smallest waste in the world! Look at that waste!". The girl is obviously very thin in her waste area, whether she is naturally that way, wears a corset daily, or has an eating disorder, she is just too skinny. While I believe that we will see on that episode that Tyra is really criticizing the girl for being too skinny, how do you feel about the commercial? Do you think Tyra is being hypocritical from what she usually preaches or do you think there is way more to the story then a 20 sec clip is showing us?
Written By: Jordan
Written By: Jordan