Do you wish you could be on Jersey Shore?

According to ABC News, fans of the hit TV show Jersey Shore will soon have the chance to pretend they’re a part of the show’s cast, as MTV plans to release an online game (as well as a iPhone game application) this Tuesday.

 During the game, the player will choose a cast member to battle against another, and also allows fans to “GTL” or gym, tan, and laundry—the three activities (besides partying) that the Jersey Shore cast occupies themselves with.

 But the game will be more than that. According to Tony Espinoza, president of social games for MTV networks, each week 3 to 5 things, such as places the cast visits or outrageous one-liners that were during that week’s episode would be added to the game.

 1.6 million fans of Jersey Shore on Facebook will have the chance to play the game on Tuesday, while the game will be released for everyone else one day later on Wednesday on MTV’s website.

 Jersey Shore premieres this Thursday, July 29th at 10 p.m. on MTV as the cast moves from Seaside Heights, NJ to Miami.

--Kristen Gillette 

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