Ask Annie: Shopping for guys

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What do guys like to get for presents?
ok so my boyfriends birthday is coming up and oh by the way hes turning so i dont want too grown up or childish presents haha. but the thing is i have no idea what i could get him any suggestions?

Dear Sam,

You actually did not put an age for me to work off of, but I will take a stab in the dark and say he is turning somewhere between 15-17 (hopefully that is about right).

Anyway, take a look at the type of guy you are dating and the interests he has. Is he into music? How about tickets to see a band he loves or even some CD’s with songs that make you think of him. Does he like movies or maybe he has a favorite television series? Buy him a season of the show he watches the most; Ebay has some great discounts on television series.  Is he into books and reading? Maybe get him a book from the New York Times best seller list in a subject that interests him. Is he a sports fan? Hit up the mall and look through the sports paraphernalia, get him a blanket with his teams’ logo or even tickets to a game. Maybe he likes clothes; bounce on over to his favorite store and get him a gift card or even pick out a few things you know he would like, maybe a new pair of sunglasses for summer or a cool watch.

Shopping for guys is pretty easy once you know the type of guy you are shopping for. I hope this list points you in the right direction. Good luck!

Written By: Anne

Posted by Sarah on 5:02 PM. Filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0
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