Sex and the City 3?!

 "Yes please!" to a third Sex and the City movie.  I wasn't a big fan of the show when it first started in 1998 or maybe I was a little young to watch it (Seven years old) but I've recently become a huge fan!  My best friend got me hooked when she took me to the first Sex and the City movie and now I can't stop watching the television show.  Just like many fans of the four New York City women, I wish the show would continue forever. So when a little birdie told me that there might be another S.A.T.C movie, I immediately hopped on the internet for more information.  Sarah Jessica Parker (Carrie Bradshaw) tells Us Magazine; "I'd definitely tell that [third] story, and I know Michael would do it right," she says. "But maybe not now. Maybe in five years, you know?"  Five years!?  Although, I very much dislike thinking I may have to wait five years to see another S.A.T.C movie on the big screen, I still can't help but be happy that it's a plan that hopefully they will follow through with.  Not being able to fast forward five years from now, I will continue to stay hooked on the television show, as I'm sure millions of other fans will.  So, until there is more news of a new movie, lets stay focused on what we get to see of Carrie Bradshaw right now & hope for more!


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