Johnny Depp Makes A Surprise Visit At School

 Johnny Depp - portrait, Wall Poster, 23x34
According to Yahoo News 9 year old Beatrice Dela wrote a letter to Captain Jack Sparrow wanting help to raise a mutiny at her school, Meridian Primary School in Greenwich, south-east London.

"We are a bunch of budding young pirates and we were having a bit of trouble mutiny-ing against the teachers, and we'd love if you could come and help," she wrote.

Depp surprised the girl by showing up in a pirates outfit, giving the school only ten minutes notice. They called a last-minute assembly and the students gasped as Depp walked in.

He told the students he couldn't help them with a mutiny right then since there were a lot of cops out side.

Depp is currently filming the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean movie in London.

Written By: Kristen

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