Catfish: What’s it All About?

I recently got a chance to see the new movie Catfish (which premieres this Friday in select theaters) at an advanced screening on Tuesday.

First of all, don’t judge this movie like the trailer. It’s nothing like it. My friends and I thought it was going to be a scary movie, and it’s not.

The movie documents Nev’s relationship with a family that he met on Facebook. Nev first contacts them when a little girl, Abby, sends him a painting of one of his photos of dancers.

From there, Abby’s mom, Angela, continues to send Nev lots of paintings of Abby’s and they have frequent phone calls about Abby’s work and all the galleries she has art work at. Nev also develops a relationship with Angela’s other daughter, Megan, and the two of them have sort of a long distance relationship.

Don’t read on if you don’t want to be spoiled at all.

But then, things start to not line up right. The galleries Abby’s art is supposed to be in are abandoned warehouses and the song’s Meg sends Nev sound eerily like recordings found on Youtube.

So Nev and his friends decide to head to Michigan where the family lives to discover what this Facebook family is really all about.

I really enjoyed this movie, despite the fact that the trailer is very misleading.

Watch the trailer (or don’t):

Posted by Sarah on 1:17 PM. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0
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