Review/Recap: Keeping Up With the Kardashians

It’s a new season of Keeping Up With the Kardashians (even though the second season of Kourtney and Khloe Take Miami just ended last week), so it’s time to watching some drama unfold involving your three favorite sisters: Kourtney, Khloe, and of course, Kim.

The commercials for the show promised lots of drama—and the show definitely delivered.

The show started out pretty drama free. Bruce tells the kids he wants renew his vows because he got his ring broke and he just got it back. At first, I was thinking this was going to involve a huge ceremony of sorts. Instead, the Kardashians actually have a very cute moment where Khloe acts as a minister at a very charming—but tiny--wedding ceremony held in the living room. It was nothing short of adorable—even if Khloe’s vows she made up for the couple involved them vowing to always to have sex with each other.

It didn’t take long for the drama to start to set in from there. Kourtney is now insisting (in her little camera diary shots) that apparently Scott is getting better and is "trying" to improve. Although we just got done from watching him completely mess everything up on Kourtney and Khloe Take Miami—I’d like to give her the tiniest benefit of the doubt that there’s probably been some time gap in between and it’s possible he’s been to lots of therapy…even if the tabloids are still publishing crazy stories about him.

Either way, Khloe's probably right, as she calls Scott’s actions a merry-go-round. He keeps going back to his same old ways, but Scott and Kourtney are still seeing a therapist to try and work out their problems. Despite his attempts to improve, Khloe wont let Scott in the house because the bad energy will affect Lamar who’s currently competing in the playoffs with the LA Lakers.

Kourtney calls Khloe immature for refusing to even let Scott into the driveway to make it easier for Kourtney to go to Scott’s car. Rob agrees with her, saying that Mason should be the priority. Kourtney says Scott wouldn’t be allowed in his life if it weren’t right for Mason. I agree with her—if there’s a chance Scott can straighten his life out it’s probably best for him to see his son to inspire him to keep trying.

Kim's got a new house--and is enjoying being single. She calls her house her new boyfriend. Kris wants to throw Kim a housewarming party but Kim wont because she doesn’t want people in her space and messing stuff up. She agrees to throw one, but only if people are out of her house early. She seems completely ridiculous, but I have a feeling they’re making her seem more ridiculous than she really was.

Bruce goes offer to Kim’s to help her party proof it. Kim wants people to take off their shoes and has up barricades so they cannot enter her bedrooms. I don’t really understand the shoes, but I understand the blockade—especially if the paparazzi or someone was to show up and somehow get in.

Once the party actually begins, Kim is shown, of course, being overly obsessive about people making a mess—and the whole time she’s blaming Kris.

She gets really mad when Kris decides to play beer pong with robs friends while she’s busy cleaning red wine off a pillow.

But, being the cheesy (but lovable) show that it is—it’s all going to end up all right. Bruce gives Kim a pep talk that her house is a place to live in and have fun in. Kris and Kim make up as they have a food fight with cupcakes and everything is going to be all right.

At the end of the episode, Khloe gets home from the Lakers game and discovers Kourtney is packing to move to Kim’s because of Khloe's negative energy. It’s kind of ironic given that the reason this whole thing started was because Scott had negative energy.

In the end, Kourtney decides to keep Khloe and Scott as two separate parts of her life and Khloe agrees it’s for the best. It probably is.

This was a great kick-off to the fifth season of Keeping Up With The Kardashians. What did you think of it?

 Written By: Kristen

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